Garageband On Iphone

Is GarageBand on iPhone the same as iPad, I know that the Mac one is different so wondering if the other two are the same.

  1. May 25, 2017  How to compose your ringtone from scratch on iPhone. 1) First things first, you are going to need GarageBand on your iPhone. 2) Hit the + in your top left corner and confirm that you want to Create a New Song. 3) Talking you through the entire creative process would burst the limits of this tutorial, so let’s just say that the time has come to unchain your inner musical genius.
  2. GarageBand turns your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch into a collection of Touch Instruments and a full-featured recording studio - so you can make music anywhere you go. And with Live Loops, it.
  3. How to Use Real Musical Instruments with GarageBand on Your iPad By MacLife 13 February 2012 It’s time to plug a real instrument into GarageBand to see what it can do.
  4. ‎GarageBand turns your iPad, and iPhone into a collection of Touch Instruments and a full-featured recording studio — so you can make music anywhere you go. And with Live Loops, it makes it easy for anyone to have fun creating music like a DJ. Use Multi-Touch gestures to play keyboards, guitars, an.
  5. Sep 08, 2019 There are a number of ways to share a Garageband project from your phone to your PC. On your iPhone GarageBand app, go to the ‘My Song’ menu, then click on the ‘select’ button at the top right corner of the screen and share the project through email, Google Drive, or WhatsApp.

Looking for more than a beginner’s guide? Take Matt’s full Garageband course.

Click to jump to a specific section:

I. Introduction

II. How to Use This Guide

III. Downloading and Starting Garageband

IV. Overview of Garageband Workspace

V. Song Creation

VI. Saving Your Song as an MP3 File

VII. Summary

I. Introduction

Have you ever wanted to make your own music? Garageband is a great way for anyone to make quality audio files quickly and easily. In this tutorial, you will become familiar with the Garageband workspace and some of its most important features. In just a few simple steps, you will learn how to make your first audio file and start using Garageband for most (if not all) of your audio needs.

a) What is Garageband?

Garageband is Apple’s digital audio workstation, or DAW. With Garageband, users can create audio files ranging from instrumentals, podcasts, voiceovers and much more. Garageband can often be found on most Apple devices, including Mac desktop computers, Macbooks, iPads and iPhones. Even when an Apple device does not come with Garageband preinstalled, Garageband can be downloaded in the App Store.

b) Reasons to Use Garageband

Garageband is a great resource for many types of people. Here is a list of some of the people who should consider using Garageband:

  • Casual music fans who want to try making their own music
  • Musicians who want to record themselves
  • Podcasters looking to produce their own podcasts
  • Online instructors looking to record voiceovers
  • YouTube content creators looking for copyright-free music
  • Filmmakers looking for original music
  • Game/app developers looking for original music

The beauty of Garageband is that it enables people to create quality audio files regardless of their experience level. There is always something to new to learn, but getting started and creating your first song can be quick and easy with just a little guidance. This tutorial will help lead you in the right direction so that you can start using Garageband today.

c) What You Need Before You Start

In order to use Garageband, you will need an Apple device that is capable of running Garageband. Ideally, you will use some version of a Mac desktop or Macbook, but you may be happy to know that Garageband is also available for iPhone and iPad. Please note that this guide will focus on the version found on Mac desktops and Macbooks.

II. How to Use This Guide

This guide will help you get familiar with the main Garageband workspace and create your first simple MP3 file. Follow each step of the guide, and you will be well on your way to producing your own tracks.

III. Downloading and Starting Garageband

a) Locating Garageband in the App Store

*If you already have Garageband on your device, then you can skip this step.

For those of you who do not already own Garageband, you can simply type “download garageband” into a Google search bar.

Once you have pressed RETURN to begin the Google search, click the search result that says, “Garageband in the Mac App Store – iTunes – Apple”.

Once you have taken some time to review the description of the software, you can purchase it by clicking the blue button that says, “View in Mac App Store”.

When using Google Chrome, you may see a pop-up window. Just click “Launch Application” to launch the App Store.

When you are ready to purchase Garageband, click the grey button that says, “$4.99” and then click it again when it says, “Buy App”. The App Store will then ask you for your Apple ID and password.

b) Finding Garageband on Your Computer

Once you have completed the download and installation of Garageband, you can find the program by clicking on the Finder located in your dock.

When your Finder Window is open, click “Applications” and then locate Garageband.

The Applications on your computer should be in alphabetical order. Double-click the Garageband icon to open the program.

c) Keeping Garageband in Your Dock

Keeping the Garageband icon in your dock may make your life easier, especially if it is a program that you plan to use frequently. In order to keep the Garageband icon in your dock, simply hold the control (or CTRL) key while clicking on the Garageband icon in your dock. Then, hover over “Options” and make sure to click “Keep in Dock”.

d) Selecting Project Type

Once you have successfully opened Garageband, you should see an opening screen like this:

If the “New Project” button is highlighted in blue, we should see these eight options:

  1. Keyboard Collection
  2. Amp Collection
  3. Voice
  4. Ringtone
  5. Hip Hop
  6. Electronic
  7. Songwriter
  8. Empty Project

Here, you see several project type options that can benefit you if you have specific goals in mind. For instance, if you are a singer-songwriter looking to record yourself singing with an acoustic guitar, then the “Songwriter” preset may be of benefit to you. For our purposes, we will make sure that “New Project” is highlighted and choose “Empty Project”. You can begin a new “Empty Project” by simply double-clicking on the “Empty Project” icon.

e) Selecting Track Type

The next screen that pops up should look like this:

Here, we can select the type of track that we want to record.

The four track types available to us are:

  • Software Instrument: Play sounds from your Mac
  • Audio (Microphone): Record using a microphone or line input
  • Audio (Guitar/Bass): Record guitar or bass using Garageband as an amp
  • Drummer: Add drums that automatically play with your song

We will choose “Software Instrument” for this project because we will not be using any real vocals or instruments. The “Software Instrument” track allows us to record MIDI instruments and also use Apple’s MIDI loops.

What is MIDI? “MIDI” stands for “Musical Instrument Digital Interface”. To put it simply, the instruments that we will be using are “virtual” or “computerized” instruments that are included as part of Garageband.

IV. Overview of Garageband Workspace

Once you have selected “Empty Project” you should see the Garageband workspace:

If you see the window that says, “Musical Typing” like the one below, you can close it out by clicking the red “X” button on the top left. Musical Typing is a great feature to use for more advanced projects, but we will keep it simple for our first project.

We should now see a screen that looks exactly like this:

Garageband on iphone 6

Now, let’s get familiar with the main Garageband Workspace.

a) The Transport Controls

Located at the top of the Garageband workspace, the Transport Controls help us navigate our music as we record and edit it. Here are the Transport Controls from left to right:






b) The LCD

Located at the top of the Garageband workspace and next to the Transport Controls, the LCD tells us a lot about the project that we are currently working on.

Project/Time: Here, we can toggle between viewing our song as measures or in the form of hours, minutes and seconds.

Measures: Here we can see the bars, beats and ticks of our song in real time as our tracks are being played.

BPM: The BPM, or Beats Per Minute of our song. The higher the BPM, the faster the song will play. By default, Garageband starts a new project with a BPM of 120, which is a very common tempo for many types of songs.

Key – This button lets us change the musical key of our project. By default, Garageband starts a new project in the key of C Major.

Time Signature – This button lets us change the time signature of our song. By default, Garageband starts a new project in 4/4 time, or common time.

c) Cycle Tool, Tuner, Count-in, Click

Located to the right of the LCD is a set of four other buttons:

Cycle Tool – This tool comes in handy when you want to repeat a certain section of a track.

Tuner – A tool meant to tune instruments.

Count-in – This button gives the option of hearing four clicks before we start recording a track. It is meant to give us a second or two to prepare for recording.

Click – This toggles between hearing a click sound when recording tracks and not hearing a click. The click sound is meant to help you stay in time with the beat of the song when you are recording.

d) Master Volume Slider

Located on the top-right corner, this slider lets us control the volume of our entire song.

e) Timeline

The Timeline is how we see the overall picture of our tracks. We can use the numbers at the top of the timeline to see which bar of the song we are currently working in. Our tracks are recorded from left to right, with Bar 1 being the beginning of the song.

f) Track Headers

This area is where we see information about each of our tracks. When we first open Garageband, only one track is open and it is defaulted to sound like a classic electric piano. Below the name of the instrument sound are several tools used to fine-tune our individual tracks, such as Solo, Mute, Track Volume and Track Panning.

g) Instrument Library

With the instrument library, we can experiment with many virtual instruments that come pre-installed in Garageband. These sounds range from drum kits to orchestral instruments to the always-interesting synthesizers and arpeggiators.

V. Song Creation

It’s time to get started making our first song. For this first song, we’ll keep it simple and use Apple Loops. What are Apple Loops? They are a set of pre-made audio samples that are included in your Garageband software. I’ve taught hundreds of people how to use Garageband, and I’ve learned to keep the Apple Loops a secret until my students have learned the fundamentals. Why? Because the Apple Loops are so fun and addictive that often, there’s no turning back once my students know about them. The loops are wonderful tools for making quick but great-sounding audio tracks. The downside of Apple Loops, if any, is that using them isn’t exactly creating your own music; it’s more like cutting out pictures of a magazine and making them into a collage. For our purposes, we will keep it simple and start with Apple Loops even though there is far more you can learn to do with Garageband in the future.

a) Accessing Apple Loops

To access Apple Loops, you will click the button that looks like a loop. It is located in the top-right corner of our Garageband workspace and is the second of three buttons grouped together there. When we click the Loops button, we will see a menu appear like the one below:

Here, you can discover all sorts of sounds conveniently categorized for you. For our song, we will start with finding a nice drum loop to work with.

b) Picking and Adding a Drum Track

First, click on the button that says, “All Drums”. Your Apple Loops menu should change so that the “All Drums” button is highlighted in blue.

In the first half of the Apple Loops menu, we see our loop categories. In the second half of the Apple Loops menu, we see our loops. Scroll down in the loops section and find the drum loop called “80 Pop Beat 09” and click it one time. By clicking it one time, you will preview the loop.

If you look at the middle of our Garageband workspace, you will see a message that says, “Drag Apple Loops here.”

Now, we will click on the selected loop one more time and drag it to Bar 1 of the project and right below the “Classic Electric Piano” track. Use the picture to follow along.

If successful, we should see that a new track has been created. The green box that has appeared on our timeline is our loop. If we click the Play button on the top of our Garageband workspace or simply press the space bar, we should hear our drum loop being played.

c) Picking and Adding a Bass Track

Now, we will go back to our Loops Menu and click the orange “Reset” button to reset our search for loops. We will now add a bass track to complement our drums. Click on the “Bass” button and find the loop called “80s Dance Bass Synth 05”. Click it once to preview it, and click it a second time to stop the preview.

Now, click and drag the bass loop called “80s Dance Bass Synth 05” to the first bar of the timeline, right below the drum loop that you already added.

Garageband On Iphone Confusing

If successful, you should now see a screen with three total tracks:

Sometimes, you will see that the third button of our Transport Tool has changed. When it looks like the image above, it serves as a “Go to Beginning” function and helps us start the song from the first bar. Another way to go to the first bar is to simply click below the number “1” on your timeline. Press the space bar to play the two tracks together. If both loops are perfectly aligned with the first bar, they should sound in sync with one another.

d) Using the Cycle Tool

The Cycle Tool will come in handy on many occasions. Locate the Cycle Tool to the right of the LCD screen on the top of the Garageband workspace. The Cycle Tool looks like two arrows intertwining each other. When the Cycle Tool is activated, you should see a yellow bar above your timeline, like in the image below:

When the Cycle Tool is active and you press PLAY, you will notice that Garageband will only play the area of the song that is covered by the yellow bar and repeat it over and over again. In many cases, this tool is great for reviewing specific parts of your tracks. I like to use the Cycle Tool to play a specific part over and over while I generate ideas for things that I might want to add to my existing tracks.

e) Looping Your Loop

At the moment, our drum track plays for four bars but our bass track only plays for two bars. Fortunately, it’s possible to loop our tracks. Click on the lowest green block in your timeline, which is currently your bass track. When you hover over the top-right corner of that green block, you will see a special icon appear that looks like an arrow going in a circle. When you see that arrow going in a circle, click and drag to the right until you’ve made a duplicate of your first bass loop. Now, instead of having one bass loop that lasts for a total of two bars, you should have two bass loops that last for a total of four bars combined and match up perfectly with the drum loop.

Play the track by pressing the space bar. The song should loop because the Cycle Tool is still activated.

f) Changing Your Drum Sound

You may notice that your drum loop has a specific name in your Track Header. Currently, your drum loop is called “Crystal Pad.esi”. If you don’t like the way that your instrument sounds in your loop, you can change it.

First, click the Track Header where you see the picture of the drum set. Next, go to the left of the Garageband workspace and look at your Instrument Library. Click on “Drum Machine” and then pick “Gritty Funk”. When you play your song by pressing the space bar, you should notice that the instrument in your drum loop has changed.

g) Changing Your Bass Sound

Garageband On Iphone 6

Following the same steps that we did with our drum loop, we can change the sound of our bass loop. First, click the synthesizer icon in the Track Header for our bass loop.

Next, go to the Instrument Library and click “Synthesizer”, then “Bass”, then “Jump Up Bass”.

We have successfully altered the sound of both of our loops. I picked two instrument sounds to get us started with this project, but as you can probably tell, there are thousands of possible combinations of loops and instrument sounds for you to experiment with.

VI. Saving Your Song as an MP3 File

Once we are happy with our tracks, we can save our Garageband projects as MP3 files. Saving our projects as MP3 files makes it easier for us to use our music in email, YouTube videos, podcasts, and so on.

First, click “Share” all the way at the top of your screen. Then click “Export Song to Disk”. Next, give your file a name. I like to give my files a descriptive name and include the date that I created them. For this file, I will call it “test song 092415”. In this window, you can also use tags and pick a specific folder in which to save your file. I recommend saving this first file to your Desktop so that you can find it very easily.

In this window, you also can choose the file type. For this example, click “MP3”. I also recommend checking the box that says, “Export cycle area only, or length of selected regions”. When this box is checked, it will save the area below the yellow bar on our timeline and nothing else. Once you click “Export” and the file is done processing, go to your Desktop and locate your MP3 file.

By clicking on your file once and pressing the space bar, you can preview your song. Double-clicking the file will open it in iTunes.

VII. Summary

You’ve done it – you’ve made your first audio file in Garageband. By doing so, you’ve also become familiar with the Garageband workspace, including the Apple Loops menu and Instrument Library. There’s much more to learn in Garageband, but I hope that this tutorial helped you get started. If you are interested in digging deeper into Garageband, then be sure to check out my LEARN GARAGEBAND course. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through Udemy.


About the Author:

Mr. Guarino is a certified teacher and online entrepreneur. He plays the guitar, drums and electric keyboard, and has spent the last four years running the music program at schools in the Bronx and Westchester County, New York. He is very excited to be a part of the Udemy community and hopes to inspire his students.

The world is your stage. This is your instrument.

GarageBand for iOS makes it incredibly simple to play, record, and share your music, no matter where you are. Tap into a wide range of instruments from around the world. And now with the Sound Library, you can choose and download more free instrument and loop packs when new sounds are released, to help you easily craft songs in your favorite styles — all right from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Download GarageBand for iOS

Play Make music. With or without an instrument.

The moment you launch GarageBand, you can start making music. Play stunningly realistic Touch Instruments, instantly build big beats, and create music like a DJ — all with just a few taps. The all-new Sound Library lets you explore and download sound packs tailored to help you build your tracks with just the right elements for the style you want.

Live Loops makes it fun and easy to create electronic music. Simply tap cells and columns in the grid to trigger musical loops, and then build your own original arrangements. You can even use Remix FX to add creative, DJ‑style transitions with Multi‑Touch gestures, or just by moving your iOS device.

If you can tap, you can play.

GarageBand comes with beautiful and highly expressive Touch Instruments that sound and respond just like the real thing. Play keyboards, guitars, and bass, as well as sounds designed for EDM and Hip Hop. Smart Instruments make you sound like a pro — even if you’ve never played a note. And now you can explore the sounds of Asia with traditional Chinese and Japanese instruments, including the Guzheng, the Koto, and an array of Taiko drums.

When it comes to how you make your beats, the choice is yours — from jamming live on virtual drum kits to instant drag‑and‑done Smart Drums. The all‑new Beat Sequencer lets you easily build rhythms using sounds and a workflow inspired by classic drum machines. And Drummer gives you access to a team of virtual session drummers, each playing a popular electronic or acoustic style with a signature kit.

A deep collection of electronic drum sounds from a variety of genres can be stacked and layered to create your own grooves. Simply tap to activate any combination of steps on each track. Add or subtract to experiment in real time, all while the sequencer plays.
Virtual drummers representing specific genres automatically play along with your song, while simple controls let you fine‑tune their performance. Drummers can even listen to your riff and come up with the perfect complementary beat. And GarageBand now includes three percussionists who each have their own signature nine‑piece kits.
Tap out your groove on hardware‑style drum pads inspired by vintage beat boxes to create an electronic drum part.
Sit behind a virtual acoustic kit and perform your rhythms from a classic drummer’s point of view.
Instantly create a beat by simply dragging individual drum parts onto a grid. Choose the sounds you like and let ’em rip.

Plug it in. Tear it up.

Plug in your guitar and choose from a van‑load of amps and stompbox effects that deliver the perfect feel — from dreamy soundscapes to stadium‑size rock.1 Our bass amps let you hold down the bass line with clean or distorted rigs modeled after vintage and modern amplifiers.

GarageBand includes Alchemy, one of the world’s most advanced synthesizers. Explore hundreds of Apple‑designed Patches, perfect for EDM, Hip Hop, Indie, Rock, and Pop music. Use the expressive Transform Pad to morph between sounds in real time, or just have fun using the simple Chord Strips that help anyone play like an expert.

Sound Library. Your all‑access pass to a world of sounds.

With the new Sound Library, you’ve got instant access to an incredible and expanding collection of free loops and instruments from right inside the app. Explore and download Apple‑designed sound packs that include Touch Instruments, Apple Loops, Live Loops templates, and instrument presets that will help you produce tracks in a wide variety of genres and styles. You can easily manage your library as it grows, and GarageBand will even notify you when new sound packs are released and ready for you to download.

Garageband On Iphone

Record A full recording studio. To go.

With its powerful and intuitive interface, GarageBand makes it easy to capture, adjust, and mix your performances into a finished composition. Build a complete song using any combination of Touch Instruments, audio recordings, and loops.

Work with up to an astounding 32 tracks with GarageBand for iOS.2 With a compatible third‑party audio interface, you can even plug in the entire band and record everyone simultaneously on separate tracks. Take multiple passes to nail your performance using Multi‑Take Recording — just choose any Touch Instrument, tap Record, and play continuously over a looping song section. GarageBand automatically captures each one, and you simply choose your favorite.

Fine‑tune your tracks and record each tap, swipe, and twist of the knobs. Draw and edit volume automation for precise control over your mix. And let the Simple EQ and Compressor keep your tracks sounding crisp and clear. For even more detailed control, take advantage of 10 track‑mixing effects directly from Logic Pro, like the Visual EQ, Bitcrusher, Vocal Transformer, and more.

Audio Unit Extensions let you use your favorite compatible third‑party instrument and effect plug‑ins right in your GarageBand song. Browse the App Store and download your selections from leading music app developers like Moog Music.


iCloud GarageBand everywhere. Tweak your tracks. On any device.

iCloud allows you to keep your GarageBand sessions up to date across all your iOS devices. Using iCloud Drive, you can import song sketches to your Mac and take them even further, then share your finished piece on any of your devices. You can also import a portable version of a Logic Pro X project and add more tracks. When you bring the project back into Logic Pro, the original tracks are all there, along with the new ones you’ve added in GarageBand.

GarageBand for Mac

Your personal music creation studio.

GarageBand for iOS

Play, record, arrange, and mix — wherever you go.

Music Memos

Garageband On Iphone 5s

An app to capture your song ideas. Whenever inspiration strikes.